Clerkship had already passed, all I can say is that it was worth the time and tears... With my 1 year experience inside the hospital, I feel that 5 years have added up to my age... What I mean is that, it had made me mature…
April 1…marked the changed of my life. Whew! I was really scared and somehow confused. Confused? Yep! A little bit confused… I don’t know why at this point of my life I questioned myself if I was really unto this field of endeavor…but something is pushing me to go on…
First 2 weeks in IM rotation was full of adjustment and crying times…it was a test of my whole being…but as days went by, when adjustment period was over, everything runs smoothly, though I have collected piles of extension…but it was on this rotation that have awaken me to be more responsible to every actions I make…
With the bulk of patients they have been receiving every day, I really salute to the residents on how they have managed the patients...Just imagine, when the clock strikes at 5:00pm only 2 medical residents on duty will be left inside the hospital…one will be manning the E.R, the other is in-charge of the ward not only the ward but also the ICU, and the referrals from other department…wheeew!!! Where do they get their energy!!!
Here comes Community rotation…a test of being independent…it was on this rotation, that I have learned to be independent…it may be a city away from where I reside, but I have come to taste a life living away from my family... it’s not just about living away from home that have made me more responsible with my actions…it was the responsibility given to me/us to be a doctor to the barrios…it was fun yet I have to be more careful with my actions and most especially in giving medications…community rotation was full of adventure, fun, and life…but one thing I can say, being a doctor? We can never run away from responsibilities…
Surgery…back to hospital life! After 2 months break…here we go again! A test of my dexterity…I admit I really found a hard time handling instruments using my left hand…but I enjoyed suturing…a 2-month rotation in surgery had enabled me to enjoy the life of being a surgeon, the life inside the O.R...Being a surgeon was not that easy…just imagine, the life of the patient depends on your hands…just one wrong move during the operation, then the life of the patient is a disaster…
Pediatrics…a mini IM, as the past rotators may call it…yep! Quite the same…but what made it so different is that you can never extract history from children, we’re lucky if they they’ll answer our questions…that’s why the participation of the parents is very helpful. What made the pediatrics rotation interesting is that they are not that complicated compared to adults…?
Minors….quite similar to surgery, but they are now more focused on their areas of specialty…I admit, this was less toxic compared to my other rotations but cases were so interesting…it was only in this rotation were I had stayed in the O.R for about 5 hours... I admit, I don’t like staying at the O.R for too long… for me 2 hours is enough…I don’t know, maybe it’s because I easily got asleep during the procedures…but don’t get me wrong! I really had a great time…
All I can say, clerkship is fun and worth to be remembered!
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